IČ 26945339DIČ CZ26945339
OFICIÁLNÍ NÁZEV Oerlikon Balzers Coating Austria GmbH - organizační složka
- 561 201 502 - country manager
- 603 145 722
- 739 000 179
- pavel.svec@oerlikon.com
- petra.andresova@oerlikon.com
Kontaktní osoby
- Ing. Pavel Švec - country manager
- Petra Andresová - sales managerka
Webové prezentace
Sociální sítě
Bankovní účty
35-4656500217/0100 DPH účet, zveřejněn 29.05.2014 | ![]() |
1387715370/2700 DPH účet, zveřejněn 01.09.2020 | ![]() |
DE30506400150230554800 DPH účet, zveřejněn 19.12.2020 | ![]() |
Youtube video
Oerlikon Balzers is a world leading supplier of surface technologies that significantly improve the performance and durability of precision components as well as tools for the metal and plastics processing industries. Extremely thin and hard coatings, marketed under the brands BALINIT and BALIQ, reduce friction and wear. The BALITHERM brand opens a broad range of heat treatment services, whereas BALTONE coatings are available in a full range of elegant colours, perfectly suited for decorative applications. Under the technology brand BALIFOR, we develop the technologies for tailor-made solutions for the automotive market, and ePD delivers solutions for the metallization of plastic parts with chrome effects.
Oerlikon engineers materials, equipment and surfaces and provides expert services to enable customers to have high-performance products and systems with extended lifespans. Drawing on its key technological competencies and strong financial foundation, the Group is sustaining mid-term growth by addressing attractive growth markets, securing structural growth and expanding through targeted mergers and acquisitions. A leading global technology and engineering Group, Oerlikon operates its business in two Divisions: Surface Solutions and Polymer Processing Solutions.
Činnosti firmy
- dodávka
- povlakovací technologie
Volná pracovní místa
Oficiální údaje
Oerlikon Balzers Coating Austria GmbH - organizační složka
IČ 26945339DIČ CZ26945339
Právní forma: Odštěpný závod zahraniční právnické osobyDatová schránka: dh6c72b
Zdroj: justice.cz

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