IČ 25922092DIČ CZ25922092
OFICIÁLNÍ NÁZEV Schaeffler Production CZ s.r.o.
- 465 837 101 - sekretariát
- 465 355 111
Kontaktní osoby
- Ing. Gabriel Michalec
Webové prezentace
Sociální sítě
Bankovní účty
1293487119/2700 DPH účet, zveřejněn 01.04.2013 | |
64450-6006210006/6300 DPH účet, zveřejněn 03.11.2020 | |
DE44700202700020228311 DPH účet, zveřejněn 03.11.2020 | |
DE91502109001218488850 DPH účet, zveřejněn 04.11.2020 | |
DE38760700120776084600 DPH účet, zveřejněn 04.11.2020 |
SCHAEFFLER PRODUCTION CZ s.r.o. - Průmyslová 2295/26, Předměstí, SvitavySouvisí s
SCHAEFFLER CZ s.r.o. - Radlická 354/107b, Radlice, PrahaYoutube video
Schaeffler Group
The Schaeffler Group has been driving forward groundbreaking inventions and developments in the field of motion technology for over 75 years. With innovative technologies, products, and services for electric mobility, CO₂-efficient drives, chassis solutions, Industry 4.0, digitalization, and renewable energies, the company is a reliable partner for making motion more efficient, intelligent, and sustainable – over the entire life cycle. The motion technology company manufactures high-precision components and systems for drive train and chassis applications as well as rolling and plain bearing solutions for a large number of industrial applications. With around 84,000 employees, the Schaeffler Group is one of the world’s largest family-owned companies. With more than 1,250 patent applications in 2022, Schaeffler is Germany’s fourth most innovative company according to the DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office). #Wepioneermotion
Schaeffler Group
The Schaeffler Group has been driving forward groundbreaking inventions and developments in the field of motion technology for over 75 years. With innovative technologies, products, and services for electric mobility, CO₂-efficient drives, chassis solutions, Industry 4.0, digitalization, and renewable energies, the company is a reliable partner for making motion more efficient, intelligent, and sustainable – over the entire life cycle. The motion technology company manufactures high-precision components and systems for drive train and chassis applications as well as rolling and plain bearing solutions for a large number of industrial applications. With around 84,000 employees, the Schaeffler Group is one of the world’s largest family-owned companies. With more than 1,250 patent applications in 2022, Schaeffler is Germany’s fourth most innovative company according to the DPMA (German Patent and Trademark Office). #Wepioneermotion
Činnosti firmy
- nástrojářství
- montážní linky
- vstřikování
- plasty
Volná pracovní místa
Prezentace na veletrzích, výstavách a konferencích
MSV 2017
Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh
09.10.2017 - 13.10.2017
stánek PAV A2 / 008
Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh
09.10.2017 - 13.10.2017
stánek PAV A2 / 008
Zdroj: Internet
Oficiální údaje
Schaeffler Production CZ s.r.o.
IČ 25922092DIČ CZ25922092
Právní forma: Společnost s ručením omezenýmDatová schránka: 8s6bt9v
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